Why I’m Learning Spanish – And Why You Should Too

It’s easy.

First of all, Spanish uses the same letters as English, so no need to learn a second alphabet.

Spanish also shares many cognates, or words in other languages that sound and/or look alike, with English. This makes it very easy to memorize vocabulary in Spanish, and you’ll sometimes be able to translate words you’ve never even heard before.

Spanish grammar is fairly simple, and everything in the language makes logical sense (unlike in English, where there are two too many tos).

It helps you learn other languages.

Since Spanish, like most European languages, is based off of Latin, it shares many similarities with its romance language cousins. That means that learning Spanish will give you a head start on learning other romance languages, like French, Italian, or Portuguese. For example, the word welcome in these languages is:

  • Spanish – Bienvenidos
  • French – Bienvenue
  • Italian – Benvenuto

It’s becoming more and more prevalent

Did you know that there are more native speakers of Spanish than English?

It’s true.

I live in Houston, and I don’t go a single day without hearing Spanish spoken around me – and this definitely helps me learn it.

With how popular the Spanish language is becoming worldwide, it’s becoming more and more important to learn it.

Travel becomes easier

With a second language under your belt, travel becomes a lot less scary.

One time I got lost in Spain with my grandparents, and I had to rely on what little Spanish I knew to get us back to our cruise ship in time… But that’s for another blog.

My point is that without my language skills, we would have been stranded in a foreign country. So if you plan on travelling to Spain or Latin America, it would be wise to learn some Spanish.

It helps with work

Companies are more likely to hire someone that is bilingual in English and Spanish than someone that only speaks English. Even if you already have a secure job, learning a second language could possibly get you a pay raise. Who doesn’t like getting more money?

It’s fun to learn

Lastly, the first and foremost reason for learning any language is that it’s enjoyable. If you’re not the type of person that genuinely enjoys learning languages, you’re at a serious disadvantage. The more fun you are having, the more likely you’ll pick up on the language.

Those are my top reasons why I’m learning Spanish and why I encourage others to do so. Leave a comment down below and tell me what language(s) you’re learning and why. See ya next time!

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